Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Ideas

I have been trying to "get my Christmas on" these last few days. I didn't finish with my coursework until Monday night at 10:30pm. My doctoral program and working full time have really interfered with holiday decorating...go figure.

I do have the tree decorated with the burlap ribbon I ordered (which I love), cream, brown, clear and mercury glass balls, and pine cones. I also (with lots of assistance from my mother) have some burlap stockings made as well as a tree skirt.
I don't, however, have any garland made or purchased, have a single wreath anywhere on or in my house, have any lights outside, have the table centerpiece assembled, have my mailbox decorated, or have any presents purchased. Hopefully I can use the rest of this week and the weekend to accomplish these tasks. I found some images of things that I would like to recreate in my own home. See below.

I am really enjoying our more natural decorations. I think they are understated, comfortable, and timeless. Once I get my own decorations up I will post some pictures of the Langham's little Christmas cottage.


  1. Abby,

    I feel the same way. We have our Christmas tree up, BUT we have no tree skirt, tree topper or ribbon on the tree, no stockings. I have managed to purchase a wreath that matches the tree. That's the extent of my Christmas decorating so far. What is so funny to me is that all of those things that you named are things that are on my list of things to do before it is too late and Christmas is here. Hopefully, I'll at least get a couple of the things done. Good luck on your decorations! I can't wait to see them.


  2. Why can't I have this house? I want the room at the top! My dream room....

    I guess I will continue dreaming for a while anyway...

  3. Yeah, me too. Totally my dream room too. One of my colleagues asked if it was my house. I just about rolled on the floor. I wish!
