Tuesday, September 15, 2009

100 Things About Me

I was reading another blog not too long ago and saw that the author posted a list of 100 things about her. I thought it was a great idea since us bloggers follow each other's thoughts and lives but never really get to know one another. I decided to take a stab at it.
100 Things About Me: Abbygail Braden Tull Langham

September 15, 2009

1. I am crazy about my husband. I truly recognize what a lucky woman I am for a man like him to love me.
2. I love the Lord. I want to exemplify everything that it means to be a Christian.
3. I struggle with number two above daily.
4. I want to finish my Ph.D. in Educational Leadership soon but know I have 3 ½ years left.
5. I don’t enjoy school now the way I did with my Master's degree.
6. I love big dogs. The bigger the better. I’ve found they’re usually sweeter too.
7. I really enjoy decorating and interior design blogs even though I am not an interior architect or designer.
8. I am a terrible artist. It’s ok, I’ve come to terms with it.
9. If I had any ability to draw I think I would have loved to be in the interior design field.
10. Instead, I am a desk jockey at an institution of higher education.
11. I actually like it.
12. I have really great bosses. (I recognize that I am super lucky with this one.)
13. My husband is a truly amazing artist.
14. I can’t wait to be debt free (all that is left is our student loans).
15. Having said that, we are saving for our first house and understand that we will eventually be debt free except for a mortgage.
16. We will not buy a home until we have a 20% down payment.
17. It is hard to wait but I think it will be worth it to buy a home the “right” way (No judgment on our part if you didn’t do this. We understand this is a very personal goal for us.)
18. My husband and I have a goal to learn French together. (We both took Spanish in school).
19. Once we learn French we want to reward ourselves with a trip to France. We’ve never been to Europe together, only separately.
20. I think I have the most wonderful and coolest grandmother on the planet. She and I were in college at the same time. She graduated when she was 79 years old with a degree in music performance. She is remarkable.
21. I love the beach, particularly Seaside, Florida
22. Pink is my favorite color
23. I am still very close with my high school friends. They are FABulous.
24. I enjoy a regular Dr. Pepper from a fountain and on ice very much.
25. I believe all southern women should know how to be a good hostess and demonstrate this skill regularly.
26. Swimming is my favorite type of exercise.
27. I can’t wait to be a mother. As soon as I finish this last degree we’ll work on making that happen.
28. I hope to have two happy, healthy, beautiful, smart, talented children. (I’ll love them even if they are not any of these things.)
29. I think my husband is going to be an amazing father.
30. I love Greek food. Dolmades and Tzatziki sauce in particular.
31. After France, I want to go to Greece and Italy with my husband.
32. I think Halloween is a really fun time of year.
33. I like to bake the seeds out of the pumpkin we carve. It reminds me of my mother doing it for my brother and me when we were little.
34. I look forward to scary movie nights with my husband throughout the month of October.
35. Having said that about Halloween, I love all holidays. Each one is special in a different way to me.
36. I love to make lists. (I guess this is a prime example.)
37. I think every southern woman should be able to spontaneously quote from the movie Steel Magnolias.
38. I love white lilies, blue, pink or white hydrangea, and pink or white roses.
39. I think it is important to get along with your in-laws (all of them, not just your mother and father-in-law, but your sisters and brothers-in-law too)
40. I love a child in a smocked outfit. There is truly nothing cuter.
41. I want to learn to smock before I have children.
42. Let me back that up, I want to learn how to sew and then smock before I have children.
43. I would love to a have a monogramming (embroidery) sewing machine.
44. I want to retire at the beach with my husband while we are still young and healthy enough to enjoy it.
45. On that note, I recognize that I have at least 24 more years before I can make that happen.
46. Cancer really scares me. It crosses my mind at least once daily in some way--either fear of having it myself or fear that someone I love will have it.
47. I really like chocolate ice cream or frozen yogurt with gummy bears and peanut butter cups. I know this is an odd combination.
48. I love Auburn University and everything it represents. I believe in Auburn and love it!
49. I enjoy watching SEC football with my husband. He is a great teacher of the sport for me. He makes me laugh when he watches it because he gets so excited during big plays. He doesn’t know how funny I think he is when he does this.
50. I fear losing my husband more than anything else.
51. I also have a debilitating fear of bugs. I truly panic if one comes near me.
52. I promise this is not why I fear losing my husband more than anything else. He is a good bug stomper, but he has a lot of other really great qualities too.
53. I would like to study photography and make it a hobby.
54. I want to emulate my grandmother in every way possible. She values learning new things, her Savior, friendships, and family. She’s my role model.
55. I need to study scripture more in order to have a foundation for my faith.
56. I want to find a charity my husband and I can regularly volunteer with together.
57. I don’t want to seem selfish, but I don’t think I can manage to complete number 56 until I get out of school.
58. Working full time while earning my PhD, maintaining my marriage, home, and family and friend relationships is taking every waking moment I have.
59. Making a list that continuously says I need, I want, I would is making me feel self-conscious and selfish. I guess it wouldn’t be a list about me if I did it differently.
60. I can’t remember words to songs, actor’s names, or the plots to most movies I watch.
61. I still get really excited when it snows, even after living in Philadelphia, PA for a year.
62. I stress and worry a lot. I wish I didn’t but I do.
63. I have never smoked a cigarette and never plan to try it. I can’t stand the smell. (Again, this goes back to my fear of cancer).
64. I never for one second had cold feet about marrying my husband. For someone who worries a lot this was total reassurance that I was making the right decision.
65. I think it is really important to research everything one can. Too much information is never a bad thing.
66. I sometimes feel like people that I am close to don’t know me very well at all. With the exception of my husband. I think he knows me better than anyone.
67. I am working on this. I realize I need to be more approachable. I realize I can come across judgmental or rigid, especially when the issue involves people I love and want the best for. I don’t feel like I am judgmental, but I think I may be perceived this way.
68. I will not do this at the expense of my values or beliefs.
69. I enjoy completing a task as a team and leading others.
70. I especially enjoy working on projects with my in-laws at their farm or home this way. It is fun to dream together and then make our dreams a reality. To clarify, we are all working to restore an old cabin on the family farm.
71. I think women deserve equal pay for equal work with men.
72. I enjoy blogging. It is a creative outlet for me. I am thrilled when others read my blog, but I think I would post even if no one was looking at it.
73. I fear not being the parent my children need because I will work full time.
74. I think it's important to hold oneself with poise and grace. It exudes confidence and happiness.
75. I really like dishes. I want to make an effort to use our fine china more.
76. I met my husband at a Wal-Mart in Auburn, AL. I was with a mutual friend and he came over to say hello. We both walked off asking about the other one. The mutual friend and her boyfriend arranged and doubled with us on our first date. The rest is history.
77. I love cereal. I could probably eat it for every meal.
78. I graduated high school with almost 700 people.
79. I am an Alpha Omicron Pi alumna.
80. I will never forget where I was on September 11, 2001 when our country was attacked by terrorists. I was sitting in my high school senior English class watching the events unfold on the news.
81. I love fresh fruit.
82. I like to sleep when it is raining. It is so calming.
83. I am amazed if anyone is still reading this.
84. I spent my childhood in Huntsville, AL.
85. Because of number 84 I think space exploration is really neat. I especially loved space week at my elementary school.
86. I moved to Hoover, AL (a suburb of Birmingham) when I was 12 years old.
87. I was born on July 5th. My dad thinks that I believed him when he told me the fireworks on the 4th were for me. I didn’t but I humored him. I still humor him on this matter.
88. I call my grandmother every day. I think she probably feels like I think I have to, but I don’t. I love to talk to her. Talking to her on my way home from work is usually the highlight of my day.
89. I have never downloaded music to an mp3 player or iPod. I don’t even know how.
90. I don’t even own an mp3 player or iPod. I don’t really care to have one either.
91. I am bad about calling my friends. I think about them often but rarely call. I need to work on this.
92. The movie The Notebook makes me cry every time I watch it. Although that is not saying much because most movies make me cry whether happy or sad tears.
93. I think it is important to write down goals. I believe they are more likely to be reached this way.
94. My husband I developed a 10 year goal list and revisit it every year. I consider it our strategic plan.
95. My husband and I lived in Philadelphia, PA for an entire year without a car. We left both of our cars in Alabama and became pedestrians. I don’t think most Americans will ever experience this. I think they should.
96. If most Americans had ever truly been pedestrians and public transit riders our cities would be much better planned.
97. My husband is a landscape architect and will really like that I just included my thoughts on number 96.
98. I enjoy the company of others and would rather be with people than without them.
99. I want to help make my community, my city, my state, and my country a better place. That is the main reason I got my Master of Public Administration degree.
100. I want to be a Christian example to my family, friends, colleagues, and others. I regularly struggle with this.

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