Jamie and Abby in the North End
Jamie and Abby in the North End
Carriage ride through Central Park
Abby in Times Square
Abby and Judd at Rockefeller Center
Mom and Abby playing the giant piano at FAO Schwartz
Dad and a Lego Chewy at FAO Schwartz
FAO Schwartz Toy Soldier Guard
After our days in New York, we drove out to Amish country in Pennsylvania. We took a horse drawn carriage ride through an Amish village, ate in Strasburg at a lovely Inn, and toured the Pennsylvania Railroad Museum. It was so beautiful there. The Amish live such an amazing lifestyle considering that the rest of modern culture is all around them. It was so neat to see their buggies taking them on their errands, and their scooters gliding down the road. They are not allowed to have bicycles, so many have scooters. We actually saw a policeman pulling over an Amish man on a scooter. I'm sure he wasn't speeding or drinking and driving. Maybe his tag was expired. Hahaha. :)
Dad at the Pennsylvania Railroad Museum
Giant board game pieces in front of the court house
Geno's Steaks
Naked Chocolate Cafe
Abby and Judd with Philadelphia sky line
View from our building's terrace of City Hall
View from our terrace of Love Park
Once we brought them down from the roof we took them into our apartment. Our first big Christmas tree was waiting there to greet them.
Brenna and Colby with Ben Franklin at the Constitution Center
Gates at the Pennsylvania Masonic Temple
The interior of Independence Hall. This is the room where the Declaration of Independence was created.
Us at Geno's Steaks. We couldn't let Brenna and Colby miss out on a real Philly Cheese Steak. Yummy!
Brenna and Colby at Love Park
Another Philly must see: The statue of Rocky Balboa in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art
We also took them with us to New York City for the weekend to stay with my wonderful friend Terri Wolfe. It really turned out to be a great weekend because our friends Jamie and Michael Smith were able to come down from Boston and our friend Lauren Steed happened to be in New York for the Heisman trophy award ceremony. We all really had a blast.
Abby and Judd with Lady Liberty in the background
Delicious frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity!!!!
On our way to Serendipity we passed this red door. We laughed and said "oh, we're famous!" Turns out we were not the famous Langhams, but we were close. This is Judd's cousin Richard Keith Langham's interior design studio.
Lauren's timing to join us couldn't have been better! She had just gotten engaged! We were so excited to share in her joy in NYC.
National Constitution Center
City Tavern