Tripp was the First Knight at Mardi Gras a few years ago. The year that he was on the court was our first time down to Mobile for the Mardi Gras celebration. It was so much fun to watch coronation and the parades. We have gone back every year since Tripp was on the court, except last year because we were in Philadelphia. We love Tripp and his family so much! We are so grateful that they invited us down again!
The pictures below are of us watching the Crewe of Columbus Parade, eating at the local hot spot--The Dew Drop, watching the Mystics of Time Parade (MOT), and preparing to go to the MOT Ball after watching the parade from the Athelstan Club. Yay for Mardi Gras!!! Yay for being back in the south!!!! Even bigger yay for such great friends!!!